
Seongmin Lee


MPI-SP , Germany

CV | Google Scholar

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy in Bochum, Germany. I'm working with Dr. Marcel Böhme in the Software Security group. My research interest lies in program analysis and software testing. The overarching objective of my research is making program analysis scalable by addressing the challenges associated with the scale and complexity of software systems and achieving practical software testing in real-world scenarios. I utilize statistical methods to analyze dynamic information from program execution, facilitating the reasoning of a program's semantic properties and addressing empirical challenges in software testing. I got my Ph.D. in Computation Intelligence and Software Engineering Lab (COINSE) at KAIST, advised by Dr. Shin Yoo in 2022.


  • seongmin.lee [at] mpi-sp.org

  • MPI-SP, Universitätsstraße 110, 44799 Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


  • Integrated Master's & Ph.D in School of Computing, KAIST

    - Title: Statistical Program Dependence Approximation

    Sep. 2016 - Aug. 2022

  • B.S. in School of Computing, KAIST

    (Double major: Department of Mathematical Sciences)

    Feb. 2012 - Aug. 2016


  • 2024-07 Our paper ""Accounting for Missing Events in Statistical Information Leakage Analysis," has been directly accepted in the first round at ICSE 2025! 🎉 This year, ICSE 1st round has marked roughly 9% of papers as Accept and 13% as major revisions.
  • 2024-05 I participated in Fuzzing and Software Security Summer School @ National University of Singapore (NUS) and presented a talk as a part of Dr. Marcel Böhme's lecture on the predictability of fuzzing. The slides are available here.
  • 2024-05 I have been invited to serve as a program committee member for the 3rd International Fuzzing Workshop (FUZZING'24) and the 24th IEEE International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2024).
  • 2024-01 I presented an invited talk at KAIST and UNIST on "Statistical Program Analysis". The slides are available here.
  • 2024-01 I received the CASA Jump.Start Post-Doctoral Fellowship from CASA - Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries with a research proposal on "Statistical Security Analysis for Large, Evolving Software!"
  • 2023-12 I have been invited to serve as a program committee member for ISSTA 2024 and ECOOP 2024 (both the main track and artifact evaluation track).
  • 2023-12 Our paper "Extrapolating coverage rate in greybox fuzzing" has been accepted to ICSE 2024!
  • 2023-09 I presented an invited talk at Sheffield Causality and Testing Workshop on "Causal Program Dependence Analysis".
  • 2023-05 I have been invited to serve as a program committee member for ASE 2023.
  • 2023-05 Our paper "Statistical Reachability Analysis" has been accepted to ESEC/FSE 2023!
  • 2022-09 I graduated from KAIST with a Ph.D. degree, and joined MPI-SP as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 2022-08 I presented an invited talk at Handong Global University on "Statistical Program Dependence Analysis".
  • 2022-03 I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis.


    * More publications are available in my Google Scholar.
  • Accounting for Missing Events in Statistical Information Leakage Analysis

    Seongmin Lee, Shreyas Minocha, Marcel Böhme

    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2025

    [Paper (TBA)]

  • 2024
  • Extrapolating coverage rate in greybox fuzzing

    *Danushka Liyanage, *Seongmin Lee, Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Marcel Böhme (*Co-first authors with equal contribution)

    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024

    [Paper] [Artifact] [Slides]

  • 2023
  • Statistical Reachability Analysis

    Seongmin Lee, Marcel Böhme

    ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2023

    [Paper] [Artifact] [Slides]

  • 2021
  • Observation-based approximate dependency modeling and its use for program slicing

    Seongmin Lee, David Binkley, Robert Feldt, Nicolas Gold, Shin Yoo

    Journal of Systems and Software 2021

    [Paper] [Artifact] [Data statistics]

  • Causal Program Dependence Analysis

    Seongmin Lee, David Binkley, Robert Feldt, Nicolas Gold, Shin Yoo

    arXiv preprint, 2021


  • Effectively sampling higher order mutants using causal effect

    Saeyoon Oh, Seongmin Lee, Shin Yoo

    IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2021


  • 2020
  • Scalable and approximate program dependence analysis

    Seongmin Lee

    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, 2020


  • Evaluating lexical approximation of program dependence

    Seongmin Lee, David Binkley, Nicolas Gold, Syed Islam, Jens Krinke, Shin Yoo

    Journal of Systems and Software 2020

    [Paper] [Video] [Figures]

  • 2019
  • MOAD: Modeling observation-based approximate dependency

    Seongmin Lee, David Binkley, Robert Feldt, Nicolas Gold, Shin Yoo

    International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2019

    [Paper] [Artifact] [Data statistics]

  • Classifying false positive static checker alarms in continuous integration using convolutional neural networks

    Seongmin Lee, Shin Hong, Jungbae Yi, Taeksu Kim, Chul-Joo Kim, Shin Yoo

    IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST), 2019


  • 2018
  • MOBS: multi-operator observation-based slicing using lexical approximation of program dependence

    Seongmin Lee, David Binkley, Nicolas Gold, Syed Islam, Jens Krinke, Shin Yoo

    International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings, 2018

    [Paper] [Figures]

  • 2017
  • PyGGI: Python General framework for Genetic Improvement

    Gabin An, Jinhan Kim, Seongmin Lee, and Shin Yoo

    Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2017


  • Hyperheuristic Observation Based Slicing of Guava

    Seongmin Lee, and Shin Yoo

    International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 2017


  • 2016
  • Amortised deep parameter optimisation of GPGPU work group size for OpenCV

    Jeongju Sohn, Seongmin Lee, and Shin Yoo

    International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 2016



Academic Services

  • Program committee:
    • Main Track: ASE'24, ISSTA'24, FUZZING'24, SCAM'24, ASE'23
    • Artifact Evaluation Track: ISSTA'24, ECOOP'24, USENIX Security'24, ICSE'24, ISSTA'23, ICSME'22, ICSME'21
    • Tool Demonstration Track: ASE'24
    • Student Research Competition Track: FSE'24
  • Reviewer: TOSEM'24, TSE'24, IST'24, ASE'24, TOSEM'22, JSS'20, JSS'21 / (External) ICSE'24, FSE'24, ECOOP'24, ISSTA'23, ICSE'23

Other Services

  • Invited speaker at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) on "Statistical Program Analysis", 2024
  • Invited speaker at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) on "Statistical Program Analysis", 2024
  • Invited speaker at 2023 Sheffield Causality and Testing Workshop on "Causal Program Dependence Analysis", 2023
  • Invited speaker at Handong Global University on "Statistical program dependence analysis", 2022
  • Invited speaker at Korea Conference on Software Engineering on "Observation-based approximate dependency modeling and its use for program slicing", 2022
  • Invited speaker at 59th CREST Open Workshop - Multi-language Software Analysis on "MOBS: Multi-Operator Observation-Based Slicing using Lexical Approximation of Program Dependence", 2018

Awards & Honors

  • PhD Dissertation Award, School of Computing, KAIST, 2022
  • - Title: Statistical Program Dependence Approximation
  • Naver Ph.D. Fellowship Award, NAVER Corp., 2021
  • - Awarded by NAVER Corp. to Ph.D. candidates who have published an outstanding research paper or have excellent publication performance.
  • Government-sponsored Scholarship, Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea, 2016 - 2022
  • Government-sponsored Scholarship, Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea, 2012 - 2016

Invited Talks

  • On the Surprising Efficiency, Scalability, and Predictability of Greybox Fuzzing [Slides], [Notebook]
    Fuzzing and Software Security Summer School @ National University of Singapore, 2024
    • Responsible for a part of Dr. Marcel Böhme's lecture and live coding session on the predictability of fuzzing.
  • Statistical Program Analysis [Slides]
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) & Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), 2024
  • Causal Program Dependence Analysis
    Sheffield Causality and Testing Workshop, 2023
  • Statistical program dependence analysis
    Handong Global University, 2022
  • Observation-based approximate dependency modeling and its use for program slicing
    Korea Conference on Software Engineering, 2022
  • MOBS: Multi-Operator Observation-Based Slicing using Lexical Approximation of Program Dependence
    59th CREST Open Workshop - Multi-language Software Analysis, 2018

Teaching Experiences

  • Teaching Assistant, Automated Software Testing (CS453), School of Computing, KAIST, Spring 2019
  • Teaching Assistant, Artificial Intelligence Based Software Engineering (CS454), School of Computing, KAIST, Fall 2018
  • Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Logic for Computer Science (CS402), School of Computing, KAIST, Spring 2018
  • Teaching Assistant, Artificial Intelligence Based Software Engineering (CS454), School of Computing, KAIST, Fall 2017
  • Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Logic for Computer Science (CS402), School of Computing, KAIST, Spring 2017
  • Teaching Assistant, Special Topics in Computer Science ⟨Search Based Software Engineering⟩ (CS492), School of Computing, KAIST, Fall 2016